Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Trail Running

This weekend I went our for a great run with my good friend Euan. The route was near a wee town called Falkland, where we drove to and dumped the car. I had bought a new pair of trail running shoes and was desperate to give them a go, so I was very excited.
Our route started with a massive ascent, right up East Lomond hill. Look at the gradient on that guy, we ran up the steepest part too, which was great fun but I was almost blown off the thing as it was incredibly windy.

The whole run was 12.4K long which was fantastic. It was my first long run since starting on the Chia seeds, and I felt fantastic, so maybe the really are a super food. Before setting off Euan had said that the route we were going to do had a bit of everything, and he meant exactly what he said. There were huge hills, small hill, bogs, wind, rain, sun, cows, sheep, forests and lots of mud. It was perfect.

I have decided that I love trail running and am going to try and get out on the trails a whole lot more. Yes you may have to drive a bit further than when you do road running, but it is worth it. If you have never tried it I urge you to get out on some trails and go for it.

My next step is to sign up for a trail running race, so watch this space.
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